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Playground in the Pacific Northwest with mountains in the background

Designing a Playground in the Pacific Northwest

Where we live has a diverse climate and stunning landscapes and no shortage of things to do outside! Exploring the mountains, the rainforests, the beaches, walking or biking the city paths, paddling and just generally playing outside and staying active is something we all love! One of the ways to get more kids and families active outdoors is to create outdoor recreation spaces in our communities! If you’re looking to design one of these exciting spaces for your school, HOA, childcare, church or just anywhere in your community, there are a couple of important factors to consider!

Design Considerations

Playgrounds here in the PNW would typically include the same equipment as in other areas of the country – fun is fun! – but a few added things to consider include:

  • Climate. Don’t like the weather? Wait an hour! When designing playgrounds for our unique climate, using materials that are designed with added durability help to make them last and prevent “downtime” for the play area is important. Powder coat paint that performs well with moisture, compounded rotomold plastics with UV20 stabilizer to provide long-term durability and climbing ropes that are strong and sturdy are some of the features to look for! BCI Burke, one of our suppliers of playground, recreation, and outdoor fitness equipment, offers this kind of durability in its products and backs it all up with a Generations Warranty®.
  • Universal Design. This is, excuse the pun, a universal need so important here in the PNW and everywhere. Meeting ADA standards is important and necessary when designing a playspace but our customers want more inclusion in their playspaces. To have a truly inclusive environment, we need to focus on play variety, equity, intelligent design and an ability for all people to feel as though the space was designed with them in mind. Developed to ensure that products and spaces can be used comfortably by all people, regardless of ability or preference, universal design goes above access and promotes the creation of equitable environments. By applying the seven principles that make up universal design to playspaces, parks, outdoor fitness areas or any public spaces, we plan around peoples’ diverse needs, preferences and abilities. As the playground partner of Buell, Burke designs products and spaces with universal design at the forefront. New innovations like the 360 Loop, the Brava® Universal Swing and the Burke Express create spaces that promote equity, independence and play for everyone. 
  • Adventure. With so many adventures to be had, bringing adventure to play environments is even more important. Adventure play is healthy for kids, keeps them moving and engaged and helps them develop resilience, problem-solving skills and manage emotions. Adventure will differ for each child and creating a space where everyone can develop and have fun is the number one goal. Climbing on Nucleus Aspire™ where kids will have a view of the world below them is an adventure play experience! So are other types of climbing experiences such as a Level X®, RockVenture® and Eko™ Climbers. Spinning and climbing at the same time on the Rev8 is a way get children of different levels abilities together in the same space. Sliding, spinning, swinging and more are all adventure play for children. Even imaginative play events can be adventurous! Kids can use their imaginations to create anything they can dream. 

By incorporating these design ideas and your own, you can create an outdoor playspace that is durable, designed for everyone and brings adventure to your community! Contact a Buell Recreation team member to get started!